Convert yards to miles

To convert yards to miles, use this simple formula:

1 mile = 1,760 yards

  miles to yards

How to Convert yards to miles?

Converting yards to miles is a practical calculation often needed when measuring distances in sports, road mapping, or outdoor landscaping. Maintaining the relationships between units of measurement in the imperial measurement system can usually save a lot of effort in projects and tasks, and yards and miles are part of this system. This guide will introduce the conversion formula, walk you through some examples, and discuss real-life applications of yard-to-mile conversion.

To convert yards to miles, divide the number of yards by 1,760.

Quick Conversion Table

Here’s a handy table for some commonly used conversions:

Yards (yd) Miles (mi)
1,760 1
3,520 2
8,800 5
17,600 10
52,800 30


How many yards are in a mile?

There are 1,760 yards in 1 mile.

How do I convert fractional yards to miles?

Divide the total yards, including fractions, by 1,760.