Convert miles to yards

To convert miles to yards, use this simple formula:

1 mile = 1,760 yards

  yards to miles

How to Convert miles to yards?

Miles into yards is an easy conversion that tents in sports, mapping and prop, and parties. Mile and yard are both units of length from the imperial system, and knowing how they relate can save you time when calculating distances. This guide breaks down the conversion formula, shares examples of the calculations, and highlights practical applications of converting miles to yards.

To convert miles to yards, multiply the number of miles by 1,760.

Quick Conversion Table

Here’s a handy table for some commonly used conversions:

Miles (mi) Yards (yd)
1 1,760
2 3,520
5 8,800
10 17,600
30 52,800


How many yards are in a mile?

There are 1,760 yards in 1 mile.

How do I convert fractional yards to miles?

Divide the total yards, including fractions, by 1,760.