Convert pounds to grams

To convert pounds to grams, use this simple formula:

1 pound = 453.592 grams

  grams to pounds

How to Convert pounds (lbs) to Grams (g)?

The ability to convert pounds (lbs) to grams (g) can be a real lifesaver, particularly for measurements when cooking, tracking fitness, or shipping internationally. Pounds are in the imperial system; grams are in the metric system. This guide will teach you the simple conversion formula, examples, and use cases of pounds to grams daily.

To convert pounds to grams, multiply the number of pounds by 453.592.

Quick Conversion Table

Here’s a handy table for some commonly used conversions:

Pounds (lbs) Grams (g)
0.22046 100
1.10231 500
2.20462 1,000
3.30693 1,500
4.40925 2,000


How many grams are in a pound?

1 pound = 453.592 grams.

Can I approximate pounds to grams?

For rough estimates, you can use 1 pound ≈ 454 grams, but for accuracy, stick to the exact value.