Convert grams to pounds

To convert grams to pounds, use this simple formula:

1 gram = 0.00220462 pounds

  pounds to grams

How to Convert Grams (g) to pounds (lbs)?

Grams (g) and pounds (lbs) are the metric and imperial systems' two most common weight units. Knowing how to convert grams to pounds is helpful whether you're cooking, shopping or weighing goods for international trade. You will get a clear idea about the conversion process, examples, and tools in this guide; you can also make your calculations easy and accurate.

To convert grams to pounds, multiply the number of grams by 0.00220462.

Quick Conversion Table

Here’s a handy table for some commonly used conversions:

Grams (g) Pounds (lbs)
100 0.22046
500 1.10231
1,000 2.20462
1,500 3.30693
2,000 4.40925


How many grams are in a pound?

1 pound = 453.592 grams.

How do I handle fractional pounds?

Convert fractional pounds to ounces for clarity. Example: 2.75 lbs = 2 pounds and 12 ounces.