Convert oz to kg

To convert oz to kg, use this simple formula:

Kilograms (kg) = Ounces (oz) × 0.0283495

  kg to oz

How to Convert pounds Ounces (oz) to Kilograms (kg)?

It is essential to know if you do any cooking or work out or are involved in any science-related activity. Ounces are a smaller measurement mainly used in the United States, and kilograms, by contrast, are the standard system for weight measurements used in most other countries worldwide, so knowing how to convert between the two might be helpful.

By multiplying the number of ounces by 0.0283495, you will get the equivalent weight in kilograms.

Quick Conversion Table

Here’s a handy table for some commonly used conversions:

Ounces (oz) Kilograms (kg)
1 0.0283495
5 0.1417475
10 0.283495
20 0.56699
50 1.417475
100 2.83495


How many ounces are in a kilogram?

1 kilogram = 35.274 ounces.

Can I use rounding when converting ounces to kilograms?

Yes, rounding is often used for simplicity, especially when the result is a decimal number with many places. For example, 0.283495 kg can be rounded to 0.28 kg.