Convert kg to oz

To convert oz to kg, use this simple formula:

Kilograms (kg) = Ounces (oz) × 0.0283495

  oz to kg

How to Convert pounds kilograms (kg) to ounces (oz)?

When working with weights, especially international measurements, converting kilograms (kg) to ounces (oz) is an essential skill. Kilograms are the unit of weight in the metric system, which is used widely across the globe, while ounces are reserved for usage in America. Whether you're doing this for cooking, health, or scientific purposes, knowing how to make this conversion is essential for achieving accuracy.

To convert kilograms to ounces, you can use the following simple formula: 1 kilogram (kg) = 35.274 ounces (oz).

Quick Conversion Table

Here’s a handy table for some commonly used conversions:

Kilograms (kg) Ounces (oz)
0.0283495 1
0.1417475 5
0.283495 10
0.56699 20
1.417475 50
2.83495 100


How many ounces are in a kilogram?

1 kilogram = 35.274 ounces.

How can I convert kilograms to ounces manually?

To manually convert, simply multiply the number of kilograms by 35.274. For example, for 3 kg, you would calculate 3 × 35.274 = 105.822 oz.