Convert stone to lbs

To convert stone to lbs, use this simple formula:

1 stone = 14 pounds (lbs)

  lbs to stone

How to Convert stone to pounds (lbs) ?

If you live in the U.K. or Ireland, you may be familiar with stone as a standard unit of measurement for weight. If you ever have to convert stone to lbs for international activity or personal reasons, it would be good to know how the conversion works. Knowing how to convert stone to pounds is an invaluable skill, whether it’s body weight, medical data, or just measuring comparisons.

By multiplying the number of stones by 14, you can easily calculate the weight in pounds.

Quick Conversion Table

Here’s a handy table for some commonly used conversions:

Stones (st) Pounds (lbs)
0.071 1
0.36 5
0.71 10
1.43 20
3.57 50
7.14 100


How many pounds are in one stone?

1 stone = 14 pounds. To convert pounds to stone, divide the number of pounds by 14.

How do I convert 3 stone to pounds?

Multiply 3 by 14: 3 × 14 = 42 pounds.