To convert ounces to grams, use this simple formula:
1 ounce = 28.3495 grams
Weight conversion is measured in ounces (oz) and grams (g) for various measurement systems. Ounces belong to the imperial system, and grams belong to the metric system. For cooks, bakers, and many professionals, knowing how to convert ounces to grams is essential. To make it simpler, this article includes the conversion formula, a ready-reckoner table, and examples.
To convert ounces to grams, simply multiply the number of ounces by 28.3495.
Quick Conversion Table
Here’s a handy table for some commonly used conversions:
Ounces (oz) | Grams (g) |
0.035 | 1 |
0.35 | 10 |
1.76 | 50 |
3.53 | 100 |
8.82 | 250 |
17.64 | 500 |
35.27 | 1,000 |
1 ounce equals approximately 28.35 grams.
To convert grams back to ounces, divide the grams by 28.3495.