Convert mm to feet

To convert mm to feet, use this simple formula:

1 millimeter = 0.00328084 feet

  feet to mm

How to Convert mm to feet?

When working with measurements across different units, conversions like millimetres (mm) to feet (ft) are common. Whether you are a construction worker, designer, or research scientist, knowing how to convert between millimetres and feet is good practice. In this guide, we’ll explain how the conversion works, give some practical examples, and answer how to convert mm to feet easily.

To convert millimeters to feet, divide the number of millimeters by 304.8 (since there are 304.8 millimeters in a foot).

Quick Conversion Table

Here’s a handy table for some commonly used conversions:

Millimeters (mm) Feet (ft)
1 0.00328084
100 0.328084
500 1.64042
1000 3.28084


How many feet are in 1 millimeter?

1 millimeter = 0.00328084 feet.

What is 1000 millimeters in feet?

Divide 1000 by 304.8: 1000 ÷ 304.8 = 3.28084 feet.