Convert miles to km

The conversion formula for miles to kilometers is straightforward:

1 mile = 1.60934 kilometers

  km to miles

How to Convert Miles to Kilometers?

Miles to kilometers conversion helps with international travel, fitness tracking, and scientific calculations. Miles are the standard unit of measure in distances in the United States and a few other countries. However, something like the metric system is used around the world, and it is expressed in kilometers. Use This Guide to Make Sure You Carefully Convert Miles to Kilometers.

To convert miles to kilometers, multiply the distance in miles by 1.60934.

Quick Conversion Table

Here’s a handy table for some commonly used conversions:

Miles (mi) Kilometers (km)
1 1.61
5 8.05
10 16.09
50 80.47


How many kilometers are in 1 mile?

One mile equals 1.60934 kilometers.

What is 26 miles in kilometers?

Multiply 26 miles by 1.60934. The result is 41.84284 kilometers.